title: Inland
instrumentation: melodica and piano (one player)
duration: 4 minutes
written in: 2007
The melodica is a silly-looking instrument, but it can be used to make serious music. I wrote Inland not long after seeing David Lynch’s enormous, brilliant, terrifying film Inland Empire. The piece wasn’t meant to be referential at first, but something about the dark, reverberating middle section reminded me of the film’s endless corridors.
Alex Temple, melodica and piano
Live at the Midwest Composers Symposium, University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN, 2.17.07
This recording of Inland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike license. This means that you can
a) share it, and
b) sample, remix or otherwise transform it
as long as you credit Alex Temple as the composer and performer, don’t use the resulting piece commercially, and license any derivative works under the same terms.